In conformance with the stipulations established in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the possession of Private Persons (hereafter “the Law”) we declare the following.

  1. Parties responsible for the protection of personal data: ARCOMEX, S.A. de C.V., (hereafter ARCOMEX), will be responsible for the use and protection of personal data and for the observance of the legal obligations established in the said Law. They shall also be responsible for informing those private persons of the information that will be extracted from their personal data and the uses that will be made of the said personal data. In addition to the above, ARCOMEX makes known that its address is located at Carretera Federal San Martín-Tlaxcala, KM 6.550 .32, San Gabriel Popocatla, Ixtacuixtla de Matamoros, C.P. 90128, Tlaxcala.
  2. Purposes of the collection of personal data: The personal data that we collect from persons will be utilized for the following purposes, which are necessary in order to formalize our relationship with those persons, as well as to deliver the services and/or orders those persons may request, according to the relationship with each person (applicants for employment, employees, clients and/or prospective clients, providers, prospective providers, distributors, visitors to our offices):
    1. To provide Information on our products and services.
    2. For the Identification of the person as a client and/or provider.
    3. For the contracting of additional services.
    4. For the resolution of complaints, observations and/or suggestions.
    5. Billing.
    6. To contact the person and/or that person’s contacts and references.
    7. To carry out the necessary internal procedures related to the commercial and/or contractual relationship that may be current between the person and ARCOMEX.
    8. To establish the work experience of an employment applicant; to realize research and social-economic studies to verify information provided by the person; to use the sensitive data such as an applicant’s existing and past health data by requesting clinical and medical studies to evaluate the possibility of hiring the said person.
    9. To carry out the necessary procedures in order to obtain a debit card for purposes of depositing the person’s salary and other benefits owed to the said person; to carry out the control over that person’s arrival and departure from work; to execute the necessary procedures for hiring, cessation, modification and disability before the Mexican Social Security Institute, INFONAVIT, SAT and other governmental institutions.
    10. To realize clarifications and follow-up in regard to payments or any other situation deriving from the products and/or services provided by ARCOMEX; to record and update the data in the internal business administration system for access to the Personal Data by the persons authorized to do so; to generate a registry in the client and/or prospective client database, which will be preserved for as long as the commercial relationship lasts; to contact the person in order to carry out the procedures for the collection of debits.
    11. To enter a provider’s profile in the internal administration system, for access by the personnel authorized to do so, and which will be preserved during the time the commercial relationship lasts. To record the data in the accounting system and in the electronic invoices control system for access to the personal data by the persons authorized to do so.
    12. To use the person’s patrimonial and/or financial data in order to provide the products and/or services in question; to realize the transactions that may arise with credit institutions as a result of the commercial operations realized with them.
    13. The image as well as the information of visitors to the ARCOMEX facilities, will be stored in various databases in order to maintain a control over the entries and departures of the persons visiting its facilities, to thereby form a part of the security measures within the facilities.
    14. Personal data will also be used to provide additional communication, information and publicity on the launching of new products, changes of image, informational bulletins and news.
    15. It will also be used to inform and/or invite persons to participate in training courses and/or events organized by ARCOMEX, and,
    16. For the follow-up on topics related to all of the above.
  3. On the personal data that is collected: In order to carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, ARCOMEX, may utilize and/or collect the following personal data: full name, nationality; date of birth; civil status; Tax ID number; census code number (CURP); official identification document; a photograph of the person upon entering the facilities of ARCOMEX by means of video and security cameras; home address; home or office landline and cell phone; email; position or title in the person’s workplace; occupation; financial information and bank account number. This personal information will be collected according to the relationship the person may have with the Company (applicants for employment, employees, clients and/or prospective clients, providers, prospective providers, distributors, visitors to our offices). The personal data mentioned above corresponds to:
    1. Personal Identification data.
    2. Personal contact data.
    3. Personal economic and/or financial data.

ARCOMEX may obtain your data indirectly by collecting it through public access sources, by permissible transfer. If you contact us through social media networks, we can use the information contained in your social media profile in question as well as from the content in your publications.

We also advise you that for the purposes indicated in this privacy notice ARCOMEX may utilize the personal information you have provided in regard to third parties, and therefore, when you provide the information of third parties so that ARCOMEX can contact them by physical and/or electronic means, you acknowledge that you have obtained the consent of those third parties as required in the applicable standards.

ARCOMEX, undertakes the obligation of not transferring or sharing the personal data referred to in this Notice with third parties unless it should be necessary in order to comply with the purposes of this notice or unless it should be necessary in order to comply with a legal requirement.

4. Transference of data, Access Rights, Correction, Cancelation and Opposition.

Additionally, ARCOMEX, informs you that your personal data may be transferred to any of the companies that form a part of the Group.

Therefore, if you do not declare your opposition to the transfer of your personal data by exercising your ARCO rights (Access, Ratification, Cancelation and Opposition), which will presently be described, it shall be understood that you have consented to the said transfer.

You have the right at all times to know what part of your personal data we have, what we will use it for, and the conditions (Access) that we have established for its use. You also have the right to request a correction of your personal data if it is incorrect, incomplete, or not up to date (Ratification). You also have the right to have your personal data removed from our records or data bases whenever you should feel that it is not being used appropriately (Cancelation), and you may also oppose its use for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

For the exercise of any of your ARCO rights you must submit the respective request to the following email address: [email protected], by means of a writ containing the following information:

  1. Your name and home address or other address at which to receive our reply.
  2. Your valid official Identification document (National Voter’s Registration Card, passport, professional license, and, if applicable, your representative’s name, identification and address.
  3. A clear and precise description of the personal data for which you wish to exercise your ARCO rights.
  4. Any other element or document that will aid in the localization of the personal data in question.

In the event that the information/documentation is erroneous or insufficient, ARCOMEX may, within 5 business days, counted from the day after receiving the petition, request the missing information that is needed in order to process the request. You will have 10 business days, counted from the date after the reception of the request, to comply with this requirement. If the said requirement is not met within that period of time, it will be considered that the missing information was not presented.

If your information/documentation was correct, containing all the elements necessary for the processing of your

ARCO rights, ARCOMEX will respond within 20 business days after the reception of your request. If your request is in order, it will be made effective within 15 business days after the day of its reception.

It must be mentioned that you may revoke your consent for the use of your personal information at any time. But you must also consider that towards certain effects, the revocation of your consent to use your personal data will imply that we can no longer continue to provide the services you requested and the conclusion of your relationship with us.

To revoke the consent that you are granting in this act or to limit its divulgence, you must do so by sending a message to the email address [email protected]. The requirements for confirming your identity and the response times for meeting your request shall be ruled by the same criteria as indicated in the preceding paragraph.

ARCOMEX, utilizes various technologies to improve the efficiency of its websites, including your experience when you navigate the said sites. Among these technologies is the use of third party cookies. Cookies are small bits of information that are stored in the browser utilized by each user so that the server will remember certain information that may subsequently be used. This information makes it possible to identify you and to save your personal preferences, to thereby provide you with a better browsing experience. We remind you that you can disable or adjust the use of cookies by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

5. Modifications to the Privacy Notice.

ARCOMEX reserves the right to carry out modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time. The said modifications will be available to the public in the website We recommend that you visit this website periodically in order to keep yourself advised of the said updates or modifications

More than 35 years of experience and quality with the highest international standards, first class technology, and integral service processes.

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Aviso de privacidad Arela.
Aviso de privacidad Arcomex
Declaratoria RSE.
Informe Anual 2023.
Copyright © Condumex Arneses 2020 - All rights reserved.
Privacy Notice Arela.
Privacy Notice Arcomex.
CSR Statement.
Annual Report 2023.
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Datenschutzerklärung Arela.
Datenschutzerklärung Arcomex
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